Sunday, February 1, 2015

May My Last Spring Semester Begin!

Well, this has been a long time coming and i can't believe it is finally here.  I have only 6.5 short months of school left in my whole life.  It is quite scary to think about to tell ya the truth.  I mean super exciting to think i have accomplished something so difficult (and having a baby during the process as well) but man... after school comes the even more difficult part; finding my place in the community.  A job... one that will allow me to work only part time so that i can still be a mom, but gives me enough hours to make enough money to start paying school debt as well as to have an income, and not to mention enough hours to still ensure i get my license before Matt graduates in 2.5 years...  It is definitely doable, but its not going to be easy... especially if we decide to increase our family by 2 more feet...  

I find it so funny... the way that my life has panned out.  In high school i was to write a 5 year plan for my life.  My plan included: waiting for my missionary, getting married and have 3 kids.  After the 5 years i wanted 2 more kids and to be a stay at home mother.  I had no desire to attend any college, definitely was NOT going to serve a mission, and i never wanted to leave the state of Utah unless it was for a vacation.  I am SOOO grateful to Heavenly Father for the way he took my life and decided that He had much better plans for it than i had made.  Starting with an Associate Degree from DSC, a 2 year job as a vocational rehabilitation clerk while i got that degree, 1.5 years of work at a youth treatment facility, 1.5 year mission in the state of Minnesota, a Bachelor of Science degree from SUU, worked as a retail clerk, food server, and graves at a youth treatment center, found Matt, got married, moved to Nebraska, worked as a nanny for 1 year, had a baby girl, and come August 2015 graduate with a Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from UNL.  I mean wow... i never thought i would amount to much more than a mom of 5, but obviously God had bigger better plans for me!  

Along the way people have come and some have stayed but most have gone.  My life has been touched and blessed in so many ways.  I feel that i have learned who i really am through this process and that i have so much more to give this world.  I wish  what i have discovered about my self can be discovered by every women in the world.  Mainly that no matter what you believe you are capable of, there is so much more that you can accomplish with the help from God.  I say that in reference to blessing the lives of others, however i guess i say that to remind myself that no matter what the challenge is (financial worries, additional pregnancies, therapist licensing, etc.) with God all things are possible.  

My mom has always told us that all we need to do is just BELIEVE.  All things are possible if we truly believe.  I know that the journey ahead of Matt and I is long from being a breeze. We will have to continue to work very very hard to provide for our little family, and with that hard work comes faith and hope that God will be aware of us and bless us along our way.  We have never once been in a situation where we didn't have what we needed and my hope is that as we continue to give credit where credit is due (to Heavenly Father) things will work out. 

Well, after all that here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks.  Little Miss Adelaide saw snow for the first time yesterday!  She would point at it and say WOW! She is developing and growing into the most adorable of little girls on the planet! We are so blessed to have her in our lives!


 Bath time!

 Triple Chocolate Pancakes!
 Selfie at Walmart with Mommy!
 Andy needed a cameo...

 Making friends at church!

 The poop face... (above)
 Learning to walk!

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