Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Christmas Gift to the Savior

December 24, 2013

The missionaries in the singles ward that Matt and I attend have been doing some amazing work! They have helped 2 very prepared young women to gain testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have had the missionaries over several times through the past months to share a meal with them and the missionaries always leave us with a spiritual thought and prayer. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to recognize the theme of each of their lessons; although each one is different and touches on different aspects of the gospel each on holds one theme in common, the atonement.

For those of my readers who are not sure what is meant by the word atonement here is a quick rundown of what the meaning is behind it. All Christians know and understand the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, well the atonement includes 3 specific events during those last few hours of Jesus’ mortal life. 1) the struggle at Gethsemane when Jesus began to be burdened by all sin, wickedness, pain, sorrow, affliction, illness, and any other unpleasant things we experience in this life. 2) The process of the crucifixion, including beatings, mockery, and being nailed to the cross even he allowed his spirit to be taken by the Father. 3) Finally, three days later his triumph over death through the resurrection, where for the first time the spirit and the body were reunited in a perfect state giving hope to all of us that we will be resurrected someday. These events make up the atonement of Jesus Christ.
When the missionaries come and share a message with us or any one in that matter, the underlying message of what they are bringing is an invitation to take part in the greatest gift God has to offer which is the atonement. Their message is that through the restored fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we blessed to have the know-how and ability to use the atonement in our lives to change, repent, and come closer to the savior. It wasn’t till the restoration of the fullness of the gospel that this has been possible.

Coming to Christ is such an easy thing to discuss, but the reality is that it can be difficult especially with our brother Satan wandering the streets. Satan knows our weaknesses and knows how to get us to give in to them, and because of this each of us is in great need of the atonement. No one is perfect (if you were you wouldn’t have a need to be here on the earth), that is why God allowed his son Jesus Christ to suffer through the atonement as a way for us to repent and return again to live with God someday. It isn’t an easy task but the fact is, IT’S POSSIBLE!

At Christmas time we celebrate the birth of the savior. When I think about the birth of my savior, I can’t help but think of his life, the man he was, the miracles he performed, the lives he touched, the lessons he taught, and most importantly his willingness to fulfill the mission he was born for, to make it possible for all people to repent. In my mind his birth is more than just a birthday, it is a celebration of the life he led and the sacrifice he made. 

This year for Christmas I want to give the savior my time. In the past I have allowed other things (good and not so good) to take up my time and energy, and this year I have decided to prioritize and put those things that are most important first. The book of Mormon states “seek ye first the kingdom of God…” I believe I need to consciously make this part of my everyday life, and by doing so God will be able to rely more fully on me to accomplish the work he needs accomplished. There are many ways in which I can accomplish this; the number one thing I want to focus on is giving God time to teach me. When I was a missionary I gave one hour a day specifically to Heavenly Father to teach me his word and doctrine; and I hope to once again make this a priority in my daily life. Even if a whole hour isn’t possible, I hope to set aside time every day to be taught by Him. 

Now that I am home with my family this year celebrating Christmas the way Chamberlains know best, I am reminded how important family is to Heavenly Fathers plan. Time spent with family is so important as well, and I believe the more time spent strengthening those relationships the better. Time is such a precious commodity, and each of us is allotted only so much of it to accomplish all that we need to. Spending time doing things the way the savior would have us is the best way to be happy. I hope my Christmas gift of time will have a lasting effect not only on me, but on those around me especially my family. 

Merry Christmas to all my readers! Remember the true reason for the season and be sure to keep CHRIST in Christmas! 


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