Tuesday, June 17, 2014


November 3, 2013

Well, its been all sorts of fun here at the Clegg house lately. Halloween was a fun evening but the real fun has been knowing and anticipating the new little GIRL addition to our family! We are just so pleased to know its going to be a girl! The next big thing is figuring out the perfect name for her. Trust me... that is one difficult (but fun) task! A couple we have been tossing around but still aren't sure of are: Clara, Lily, Aspen, Anne, and well a few others... still not sure what its gonna be but its fun to think about. 

We went on October 25th (18 weeks) for a check up and ultrasound. We were hoping the baby would cooperate so we would be able to see the gender that day. Checked in got my samples given and weight and blood pressure taken and then the nurse came in looking for the heart beat of our baby. She found it and said it sounded healthy and happy! Afterward Dr. Bower came in and did the picture ultrasound and our little baby was sitting in a funny spot. We could see the top of her head really well but getting down to the other end where we were interested in looking was at the opposite end... Dr Bower gave a little pressure to my belly and got the baby to squirm around she said, "Well i don't see any boy parts, thats a pretty good indication that its a girl." But then as she kept looking from different angles and such she said, "Oh, its definitely a girl!" Matt shed a little tear when we knew for sure it was a girl! He wanted a little baby girl a lot, and sure enough, thats what we get first! All i wanted was a healthy baby and as far as we know right now thats what we have! Our big 20 week appointment is in 5 days. We will know more about the health of the baby then. 

So, now that we knew it was a girl we had a secret to hang over people's heads! I got several texts from my mom and sisters asking about the gender and i held the secret till we could all Skype that evening! I called my Aunt Annette Jackson to do me a favor in helping to share the news with my family. She made a sweet little card that said the votes have been cast what will it be? and the guesses of the family were listed on the outside, then inside the card had a large ? on it and the words "you didn't think it would be that easy did you?" were written! Then Annette pulled out a box with 4 cupcakes in it. The instructions were to wait till the count of three and then everyone would take a bit and the color of the frosting inside would reveal the gender! So we all watched on Skype while my mom, dad, and Cami took big bights and saw the pink frosting! Everyone was so excited! My dad and Summer were the only ones in the family that had guessed girl, everyone else had guessed a boy. heck i was expecting a boy because of the training i got being a nanny of 5 boys over the past year, but i must say i am so pleased to have a little girl coming! I can't wait to see her sweet little face and hold her precious little hands. I am looking forward to paint her little nails and put little bows in her hair and buy adorable little dresses for her to wear. I wonder who she is going to become? Blue or green eyes? Blonde, red, brown, or black hair? Curly or straight? freckles? olive or fair skin? Matt thinks she's gonna have my nose! I wonder if she will have twin toes like her grandpa and aunt summer, or my ears? Wonder if she'll be blessed with a musical talent. So many things to wonder about with this little girl coming and who she will become. :) 

One thing is for sure though, she is a daughter of a loving heavenly father, and i feel so humbled and so blessed that He trusts me enough to be her earthly mother and Matt to be her earthly father. We pray every morning and night that we can be prepared to be the parents that she needs in this life. There are so many things i want her to know and understand at a young age that i know will help her to grow strong and be able to become the daughter God needs her to be. I can't help but feel she is such an amazing daughter of God and i pray God will help me know how to raise her in righteousness. March can't come soon enough! We are so excited for her to come!

Just last night we were watching "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra. There is a musical number where Gene Kelly sings an Irish type tune about his father's lid on st. Patrick's day and boy oh boy did this little girl like it! She was going crazy down there in my tummy! I announced it loud and laughed and Matt stuck his hand over my belly and felt her kick for the first time! It was one of those precious moments that will be unforgettable! The look on Matt's face was priceless! He was so excited to have been able to feel her moving. He talks to her a lot and i know she will come to the world knowing her daddy's voice. :) Well, more posts to come in the future stay tuned for more updates! 


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