Friday, July 18, 2014

Summer Semester Updates... And Pictures of Addie Anne of Course!!!

It has been a crazy couple of weeks.  I finished up two of the three classes I signed up for this summer!  One of them was a Gerontology online class (8 weeks) and the other was the Addictions course that was 4 days a week for 5 weeks.  I enjoyed both classes very much, but am now so relieved to have them finished!  I have one class left and it goes till August 11th.  Between now and then I will have a paper to write, an article to review, and continued readings and journaling; not to mention I will be continuing seeing clients!  I honestly can't believe that I am finally seeing clients for real.  It seams like this has been what i have been looking forward to for most of my college career and not that I am finally beginning to see them... there are just not many words to explain the feeling! Just 3 days ago i conducted my very first session all by myself without anyone else there to watch or supervise.  I feel like it went well, and i of course will discuss the sessions and such with a supervisor till i am fully licensed (1500 hours later)...

I had a discussion with Matt about how seeing my first client was kind of anticlimactic, and i couldn't figure out why it was so.  I mean Matt was so great to take me to Rodegioz for a celebration dinner and all that, but for some reason it just kind of came and then went... Matt suggested that it was probably because i have been preparing for this for over a year and i have been ready for quite a while, so now that its here, it is kinda like second nature to be doing therapy.  I think i agree with him.  I have been so excited to be doing therapy but once the sessions are over its like, well, that was good, but life didn't change at all.  Even so, i am excited to finally be fulfilling the purpose i have always felt was right for me!

Adelaide's nursery is coming right along! several of the things i ordered have arrived, but it isn't finished yet, so no pictures of the nursery... but i can post lots of pictures of little Addie Anne!  She is growing so much and so fast!  In just a short couple months she will begin eating cereal!  CRAZY!!! Most days i still can't believe that she has been around for nearly 4 months. We took Addie Anne to her first semipro baseball game last week too!  From the looks of this picture she wasn't too sure about all the loud music and crowd, but i'm sure she will learn to love it!

Here are some fun pictures of my little Addie Anne from the past couple weeks. Cheers!

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